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Access Adventures Terms & Conditions of Business – London Marathon


1. Charity place runners


  • I pledge to raise the minimum sponsorship of £3000. I understand that 100% of my sponsorship must be paid to Access Adventures within 1 month after the event date.

  • Participants agree to raise the minimum sponsorship specified for the event.

  • Participants agree that if they have not paid the minimum amount to Access Adventures within 4 weeks of completing the event they may be asked make up the shortfall themselves.

  • Unless otherwise agreed in writing participants must not use their Access Adventures event for any other commercial gain, or use the challenge to fundraise for any registered charity other than Access Adventures.



2. General Terms and Conditions


  • Participants agree to inform Access Adventures immediately if they are unable to take part in the event.

  • Should you not take up your place all sponsor forms and monies should be forwarded to Access Adventures.

  • All funds raised in connection with Access Adventures must be payable to Access Adventures in sterling. Please convert pledges to sterling.

  • Participants give permission for free use of pictures, images, feedback and comments in any future advertising or promotion.

  • Access Adventures cannot take responsibility for any injury, losses or damage caused or sustained as a result of fundraising events held in aid of Access Adventures. Is it the responsibility of the event organiser, to comply with legal and safety regulations. 

  • Access Adventures may, at its sole discretion, withdraw a participant if it believes that it is the best interests of the charity to do so.

  • Participants must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions set by the event organiser.


3. Photography

  • Any photographs and footage of the event can be used in promoting the event and Access Adventures' aims generally. They may be used in our own marketing or publicity materials, or distributed to external news outlets. Images will not be used for any other purpose.

  • The copyright of any material which is generated as a result of this photographic session shall be assigned and shall be the property of Access Adventures. 



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