We literally couldn't run the charity without all our incredible volunteers who dedicate so much time & energy to help us achieve our mission!
Volunteering for Access Adventures can be incredibly rewarding.
Experience is not essential for many roles.
Roles undertaken for general volunteers may include:
Motivation and encouragement
Carrying equipment
Food preparation/ clearing up
Assisting participants with transfers/ getting around
Assisting the instructors
We do need volunteers with specific qualifications for some sessions/ camps. Read about training on offer here.
There are additional volunteering roles, including:
Site maintenance
Please complete the volunteer application form, or email Clare with any questions
"I was overwhelmed by how much care and attention the Access Adventures team put in to making their camps as enjoyable as possible for all of their participants. They care so much that everyone gets as much as they possibly can out of the activities, you couldn't ask for any more from them. It's a pleasure to volunteer for them and I can't wait for the next time."
John, superstar volunteer!